Walnut Park Baptist Church







Walnut Park Baptist Church in Muscatine Iowa 2022-15.jpg

Walnut Park Kids


Each Sunday morning we offer a nursery for your little ones and classes are made available for kids of every age through 6th grade. In those classes, your child will walk through the Bible and learn how it relates to Jesus in an age-appropriate way. The classes are always energetic, fun and taught by committed volunteers and staff.

We also seek to help equip parents to train their children in the gospel. We want our Walnut Park Kids to be excited about Jesus, and we want your family to talk about Jesus together throughout the week.

Sunday School Classes - 9:30 AM
Nursery Sunday School
1st-2rd Grade - Fellowship Hall Area 1
3th - 6th Grade Fellowship Hall Area 3



During the school year on Wednesday nights we have an AWANA program that helps our kids learn about God through Scripture memory and Bible lessons. Learn more about our AWANA program on our AWANA page.



Here at Walnut Park we take the safety and security of your children seriously.

  • Each adult children's worker has had a thorough background check.

  • “Check in and out” procedures are carefully maintained.

  • Our workers are required to attend training sessions.

  • We have a dedicated Security team and Video Surveillance in our building for all activities.

  • Every lead teacher must be a member of the church and have been attending for 6 months.